Tim McCready

Mood of the Boardroom: How CEO’s rate Labour’s Barbara Edmonds (NZ Herald)

Mood of the Boardroom: How CEO’s rate Labour’s Barbara Edmonds (NZ Herald)

Barbara Edmonds, Labour’s first female finance spokesperson, has stepped into the spotlight as she begins to reshape the party’s economic vision.

She is known for her pragmatic approach, clear communication, and ability to connect financial policy to real-world outcomes.

The NZ Herald’s Mood of the Boardroom survey asked New Zealand’s top executives whether Edmonds presents herself as a credible future Minister of Finance. The results show that she is in a formative stage of her political journey.

Just over 32% of respondents say Edmonds is a credible future Minister of Finance, with a similar number either unsure (35%) or unconvinced (33%).

While some business leaders applaud her approach and genuine engagement, there is still a perception that she remains untested and relatively unknown in the public eye; hardly surprising after a mere seven months in the role.

Several highlight her ability to connect with business leaders and demonstrate a strong grasp of economic issues.